Flying the Default and Zibo Boeing 737 in X-Plane 12

Are you interested in flying an airliner but don’t know where to start? The structured approach to airliner flying may seem daunting at first, but there are resources available to help. Many people turn to YouTube and X-Plane forums for guidance, but the abundance of information can be overwhelming.

If you’re feeling frustrated and discouraged, don’t give up just yet. This e-book is available to provide a practical, hands-on approach to learning how to fly an airliner. This book has two purposes: to give you a taste of what it’s like to fly an airliner and to provide you with a solid foundation for further study. With this book, you’ll no longer feel overwhelmed or confused by the technicalities of flying a tubeliner.

Part 1 is a heavily illustrated step-by step tutorial that uses the default Boeing 737-800 that comes with X-Plane (you can use part 1 with the demo version of X-Plane 12)

Part 2 is a more detailed, heavily illustrated step-by step tutorial that uses the freeware ZIBO mod Boeing 737-800

This e-book will not teach you how to become an ATP [Air Transport Pilot], but it will (hopefully):

• De-mystify some of the incredible complexity of these magnificent machines.

• Introduce you to that frightening thing called a CDU/FMC [ Computer display unit / Flight Management Computer ] and help you tame it.

• At the same time, provide you with a step-by-step set of instructions to get you into the air (You might crash on landing, though!)

• Be a fun, satisfying experience!

This e-book comprises of two parts. 

The first part is a simple sightseeing flight using the default Boeing 737-800. The flight departs from the demo Portland Airport and returns to it, so you can use the demo version of X-Plane to fly it. This flight gives you a sense of what is involved and a feeling of satisfaction that it’s not as difficult as it may seem. This first flight will be simplified without using ATC, but still complex enough to give you a feel for flying an airliner. The emphasis will be on programming the FMC.

The second part is a little more realistic – a detailed flight using the ZIBO mod of the 737-800. We will dive in more deeply and execute a complete flight from one airport to another, starting from a cold and dark situation and ending with a stepped descent and a CAT III ILS landing.

Also included are various X-Plane-specific tips and useful “How-tos”.

The PDF book has 315 pages (157 Double spreads):

You need only purchase this book once – all future updates are free – simply re-download it from your store account when I publish an update.

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